_L_: Nothing really special here. It's just a simple dungeon screen with mini gleeoks. Wait... aren't those broken eggs from MC? God I hated that mini-game thing. It took me forever to finish it. And now apparently gleeoks hatch from them. I knew they were up to something.

Gleeok: Kinda repetitive slightly but it has good custom tiles(me thinks they're custom). It gets my vote. To bad it increases his killing power by 10.

Revfan9: YAY a MC screenshot. :) Wait it's pallet sucks. dangit you can barely tell it has MC graphics. The pallet is completely messed up. Don't be lazy next time.

Mighty_darknut: Just a simple classic overworld screen. I don't see anything special about it. It has some custom tiles but thats it. And why will the bricks be shat? And what exactly is shatting?