The Lakeside Labyrinth is a 5th level dungeon designed by Phoenix. It only requires the Hookshot and one Bomb (or just the Flippers), and offers a slightly longer Hookshot in return. According to this fellow, it is "old, and apparently hasn't seen permanant inhabitants in a long time. ... Many areas of floor have given way, making liberal use of the hookshot required."

Moreover, Phoenix mandated a specific hookshot switch combo. What kind of switch, I thought, would be activated by a hook and chain, but obviously not by a wood boomerang or an arrow? What I designed was a simple metal cogwheel.

Hit the cogwheel to make the spikes begin their cycling.

And, from there, I decided to add several moving gear and chain decorations to the dungeon. These are presumably the mechanisms, formerly hidden under the tiles, that move the perpetually active spike traps that thwart Link in this labyrinth.

These small parts are quite noticable when animated.

The dungeon is already completed, though, and there isn't much room for gear-themed scripted traps to be added. But, I wonder...