Yeah, I know it's difficult. In the final version, the enemy's are easier. Also, in Truth Cave, it gives you the Lvl. 2 sword and Lvl. 1 ring because those are the items you're expected to have at that point in EoT. The reason there are no bombs in the room diagonal from the starting room are because I didn't have the password to EoT at that point, and didn't know you got bombs. And you are expected to buy bombs with the secret money room behind the tree and the start room. I'm sorry you thought it was hard. I'll re-release it with easier enemies.

Edit: It takes you to Truth Cave because I thought the demo was left short, and put that in to make up for it. Here's the (easy) link for MegaUpload:

By the way, I won't be online for an hour because I'll be working on concept art for it, just for the hey of it. Aquamentus is done and I'm halfway through Dodongo.