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Thread: I'm having trouble with cave entrances

  1. #1

    I'm having trouble with cave entrances

    I hate to have done this so early in my tenure here on the forum, but I am running ZQuest just trying to get to know everything and see how everything works. I'm trying to take it slow, and right now I am working on setting up a cave.

    It's pretty easy to find a tutorial for this stuff, and I have been using Alphadawg's, but the only thing that isn't quite working is setting up a cave entrance.

    I am using version 2.10. I see people all the time saying that the tutorials for earlier versions of the ZC/ZQ bundle will still help with learning the ropes, but I've never really found any good troubleshooting for the game. For instance, I've followed the directions to make a cave in Alphadawg's tutorial to a t, but when Link steps on the cave tile, he does not warp to screen 80. I set the message string and the Guy and the Special Item and I've set the Tile Warp and the cave entrance tile, but when I step on the tile Link doesn't warp. Alternatively, I set the tile warp as an "entrance/exit" instead of a "cave/special item" and I made Link exit the screen and it led me to my warp destination.

    Why isn't the cave tile working? Is there a step that 2.10 has added of that I'm not aware?

    EDIT: Ahhh, nevermind. I'm working with version 1.00. I've downloaded 2.10 but I'm getting a decrypt error. So I guess I'll have to solve that problem first.

    EDIT#2: Okay, so I now have 2.10 and I've bypassed all of the wierd bugs with the "run as admin" thing and I'm in ZQuest once again, recreating my demo quest and I'm having the same problem. Cave tile won't activate warp to screen 80. Bummer.

  2. #2
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    I recommend opening "example_1st.qst", a quest you are probably very familiar with since it's the original game, and studying how everything is done there. This will give you a good grasp on the basics.

    The tile warp needs to be set up as "cave/item room", dmap as "0", screen is normally just set up as 0x00 but I don't think that last one matters.

    Are you using the proper cave combo? You want to use the one on the very bottom line.

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