Quote Originally Posted by Gleeok View Post
The original idea (which is what some of it does already) is to store game data in a generic way in the style of FF, Dragon Quest, or Wizardry for example (these are all very similar actually) and then the actual implementation of game-specific code is done through scripts. This is hard to explain so imagine in ZC where enemy AI and movement are not hard-coded.
This was my idea for what I wanted "Zelda Modern" to be though I probably explained it terribly in the PureZC thread. Basically an engine built specifically for an easy to use scripting language that would be used to code all the stuff that makes it Zelda-y. The quest editor would basically be a way of editing the script(obviously besides the graphics, maps, sounds, etc part of it). The engine could be used to build a Final Fantasy like RPG or a hybrid Action RPG or a Side Scroller and the Quest Editor would allow users to build their own game quests off of it. Obviously it would be a lot of work. In fact it may be over ambitious, I've learned a little programming from books and have never put it to any practical use so needless to say I am not a Developer. I have just talked to many people who want to turn ZC into FF or something else. It would be better to build from a solid foundation over fighting with the mechanics built for Zelda 1.