Quote Originally Posted by Glenn the Great View Post
The only idea floated so far that I think is any good is the one where Player A pushes against Player B and then the two swap spaces.
This could create an interesting puzzle game out of moving idle players into inhospitable locations.
Something to think about with this idea: Should players be allowed to push each other out of the way during combat? If so, it could create an interesting team dynamic (off-tanking), and a PvP dynamic (fighting over access to a mob's loot drops).

It would be too much of an aesthetic sacrifice to impose a "no 1-tile-wide pathways" rule on the map design, and there'd still be the issue of two players teaming up to block a wider pathway.

I don't think the jump command is a good solution because there are going to be odd player/world placement situations (ie: idle player is in a T-intersection), where it would be ambiguous as to where the jumping character should land.

I'm not a big fan of the no-collisions ever idea because of the technical consequences of players stacking on top of each other.
It would mean a lot of things for gameplay: X-vs-1 combat with mobs, targeting, PvP.
For the record to put it to bed, the jump thing was a joke.

Other than that, you've really thought this through.

Why not put the spin in place with insert thing to further use? If you're standing immediately next to somebody and spin in place, you swap places?