What I don't like about that is that it makes each element over 100 lines long. Multiply that by 128 and we've already got about 13,000 lines instead of a few hundred... This way should allow 3rd party interaction with the files much easier, plus it's a breeze to parse right now now.

There should be a key available which would give the string at any id though for sure, you are right about that. Something like:

  <Index id = "0" name = "HP"/>
  <Index id = "1" name = "EXP"/>

Also, last question (I think)

Spells/ Skills / Monster Skills :
-Should these use the same stats/atrributes as items, and should these be condensed into one list?

..If you make a blue mage class I guess it would be dumb to have 2 "white wind" spells. :\ Does anyone know how, say, FFIV or VI do these internally?