Yep. BattleActions have a delay that is decremented each tick. If "!action.IsReady()" then it cannot be set as the current action. The idea is that if a combatant is unable to act, then he/she is responsible for removing any actions. (or some script)

Bad targets will just have to be tested I guess. I don't have code for that yet.

Yes, there is a shit ton of overloaded math routines. Screw rpg maker, we got much better stuff! :)
-all standard c-lib math
-vector, bounds, simple collisions, matrix math
-random, clamp, min, max, lerp, spline, ex; "r = rand( lerp(a, b), vec2().dot )" etc..

Look in script/api for scripting documentation. It's the best I got right now.

I added a new script directory with various crap. All modified stats are handled now so if you look in combatant script file that should be everything needed for all attributes. (The underlying implementation may change but as long as you reference by .atk .hp etc nothing will break.)
I'm currently in the process of adding character battle sprites, loading. If you noticed all the assets are in the repo now. :)

Gotta go, my coffee is ready!