OK, I'm done.

First of all, creepy crawly: NE corner room, are those statues really just for decoration?

Second of all: Congratulations on Level 9. It hit the spot on difficulty, and kept me using Potions.

1. Have the Darknuts throw swords, not magic. It just seems weird right now, once again, your call.
2. Maybe, just maybe, Ganon should take 8 hits instead of 4? Up to you on that.
3. Nice take on the Patra. I think that's going to be one of the most modified enemies throughout the entries. I personally like my shooter one the best, but that's just personal bias.
4. Lv. 5: Green/Blue. Lv. 7: Gold/Blue

OK, now for the score, if I was grading you:

Difficulty: 80/100.
Lv. 9 is right where it should be, but the quest is kinda easy otherwise. This may or may not be a good thing considering a lot of the quests coming in are James Quest level at the moment. I personally like the revamp to 7.

NEX authenticity: 90/100
I think you need an old man or something warning about the deviation of enemy groups. If you don't you might offend the strictly NES crowd. Otherwise, very stongly put to the NES, no real chances taken.

Fun Factor: 70/100
I think you need to make some other enemies who are not bosses and strong suits. This is supposed to be an enemy editor exercise. While things like CJC's Lizalfos are crazy, I think there could be a little better done and some earlier weaker enemies created. Also, very surprised you didn't use Bats anywhere, that kinda let me down.

Overall: 80/100. Good job. I liked it overall.

BTW, overall play style:
1 death on 1 with a Poison Heart.
2 deaths on Level 9.
Heavy segmentation due to bombs and running out of potions in 9
Overall count: 3 deaths
