
Been playing this entry. Beat levels 1 & 2; I can't find 3. Tried playing Level 4 but it seems I need the Latter, guessing it's in level 3. I have the white sword, blue candle, found the cheap shield shop, though I'm not exactly short on rupees. TBH, I was happy to finally run into Door Repair rooms so all the excess rupees I've been collecting weren't just wasted. An extra stair popped up on one of the door repair room screens. I'll post an image.

Haven't really found bugs but there are a few things that might get this DQ'd. I found and played level 2 first. Wood sword and 3 hearts and I think it was way too easy. It might have even been easier than level 1 and I played level 1 with 5 hearts and a Lvl2 Sword. I'm not a guy who loves hard dungeons, in fact I die a lot! The other thing is the overworld. I love it. It is a breath of fresh air. It is also mostlikely against the rules of the contest. Finally a personal dislike: WTF is with the black levers of insta-death?

tl;dr Gimme a hint where level 3 is so I can keep playing.


EDIT: Found level 3!