Sancireph, looking around you see only a crow perched on the pumpkin above you. That's odd... it looks like it's SNICKERING. Focusing your attention on it you feel the chill of an INCREDIBLY POWERFUL PRESENCE behind the feathers of the beast.

Reven, there's a rather comfy-looking COUCH on the floor below. You might be able to leap to it to cushion your fall. There are no curtains or ropes with which you might climb down, but the VINES growing around the entrance seem sturdy enough. Putting the two together, you take a rather large piece of vine and, using it as a lasso, toss it around the CHANDELIER and swing to the couch, landing on the couch feet first.
The lobby is stylish but sparse; it's got marble floors and a few places to sit, but is otherwise uninteresting. There are three doors on this floor, one across from where you are seated and two to your right, one on the wall behind you and one that's on the far wall, across from the entrance you nearly fell from earlier. Where will you search?

Zataka, lighting your sword again you swipe it into the air a few times to intimidate whatever is lurking to attack. You spot a crow perched on the pumpkin above you; it is the only entity of note in the vicinity.

Malichor, you call out to the sky, demanding to know who is taking amusement from this situation. The snickering stops. "Damn, I knew I needed to work on laughing more quietly!"

@TheDarkOne , @mrz84 , @Xyvol
Sancireph, Zataka, and Malichor, the crow perched on the pumpkin above you takes a bow and begins to speak.
"You've caught me. I am TELIVAR THE GREAT, master Hedge wizard and owner of this mansion. I just can't help laughing at you adventurer types; you make your livelihoods trespassing on properties and tripping over traps, and it's just so amusing to watch. Like scrying on a bunch of inebriated lemmings."
The crow flies to another pumpkin and turns to face you again.
"I'll give you props for being attentive. Most adventurers would have chased the werewolf, and been overwhelmed by the rest of the pack. You have enough mind to be cautious, and I respect that. Tell you what: if you can find your way to my study, we can discuss the matter further. I may have an employment opportunity for you."
With that, the crow flies off. You are alone once more in the pumpkin patch.