Yes, you can do 3D (mostly) the same as XNA. Of course getting it to work with 2D is another matter.

There's also a VertexArray which is something like this:

VertexColorTexture3D faces[8];

//fill the faces of the cube
faces[0].position = new Vector3(0,1,0);
faces[0].uv = animatedSprite.GetUVRect().TopLeft();
faces[0].color = Color.Blue;

VertexArray<VertexColorTexture3D> vertexArray = new VertexArray();

It's just openGl so you can write it in c/c++ and call that from a script also.

I'm sure there are other ways; I haven't really given it much thought. The engine itself doesn't much, if any, 3D, so you have to do it yourself, or use 3rd party libraries.