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Thread: [RPG] Sword and Sorcery Play-by-Post

  1. #121
    Cor Blimey! CJC's Avatar
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    Jerias, you climb the stairwell, your feet making uncomfortable clicks as your talons tap against the reinforced metal floor. At the SECOND level and THIRD level you find doors leading out of the brewery. There is also a VALVE HANDLE that appears to have fallen away from the stills. One of the birds turns away from its work and looks at you. It cringes, recoiling, and flies as far away as it can. The other birds similarly abandon their posts. What is it about you that fills them with such aversion? The little fire inside of you cries out, as if it wants to embrace them in its flames.
    What do you do?


    Zataka, as you enter the AVIARY you see SANCIREPH press a button at the base of the lizard statue. He slowly descends into the floor as if by lift, which closes behind him as he disappears. Panicked you tap the button a few times, but it seems to be frozen while the mechanism does its work. You hurry to the second floor to look for another way to control the device, but instead find a GRAPPLING HOOK left by the woman who attacked you earlier.
    The other two statues have buttons of their own at the base. Alternatively, you could take the stairs down into the CELLAR to see if you can spot your companion as he descends.
    What do you do?


    Sancireph, as you press the button at the base of the lizard a sense of rightness washes over you. Of course! The dragon's soul is flame, so it shapes everything around it. That statue was the one triggering the changes in the shadows of the other two. The floor beneath you begins to descend at a comfortable pace; you believe you've found a secret passage and your suspicions are soon confirmed.
    You find yourself high above a SEA OF GOLD! This room is enormous, a great cube roughly fifty yards on each axis, filled halfway with wonderful piles of glittering gold. You are roughly ten yards above this sea, looking down at a full-sized WARSHIP sailing in circles on the riches. Wait, can ships sail on solid metal? Given the mansion wizard's taste for the extravagant, you feel there is some manner of magic at work here.
    What do you do?


    Malichor, Toma explains that Telivar had a personal clash with a dragon when it attacked the mansion a few weeks ago, and ever since he hasn't left the study, instead operating via proxy with the rats and the crows.
    "He drove the beast off but was injured during the fight, so he couldn't kill it. He wouldn't even let me treat the wound. I'm worried, but he says I should focus on my studies. He says it's HIS job to be worried."
    He places his hand ponderously upon his chin.
    "He usually has adventurers working as contractors for him; collecting scrapings of magic artifacts. But given his recent state of mind, perhaps he does intend for you to fight the dragon."
    You mention the scuffle in the pumpkin patch.
    "Master Telivar only uses LYCAON magic on people he finds too troublesome to bargain with. If you're polite, you should be fine. You've already impressed him if he gave you an invitation to his study."
    You ask how to reach the study.
    "Well, the safe way is through the WINE CELLAR, but you won't be able to find the entrance without my help. Otherwise, there's the secret lift in the AVIARY, it leads right to his study."
    What do you do?


    Reven, the rat palms his forehead with his paw a few times, shakes his head, and then begins speaking again. The slurs of alcohol are purged from his voice this time.
    "True, I do facilitate the function of much of this mansion with various magical incantations and the brewery is among such manipulation. It is one of my key sources of revenue, outside selling my services to the odd bored noble. It is a spectacle if you care to observe such things; a perfect infusion of wizardry and science."
    He shakes is head.
    "In response to your other question, no, the woman is not familiar to me. Another poor soul plagued by greed, seeking her prize from my coffers. She will suffer the consequences as any other thief does; I have CURSED THE GOLD to punish those who take it unlawfully. I suspect this is why those other adventurers are here; I lost a sizable pile a few nights ago and this is likely the fallout of that curse. Rest assured, though, that though my mansion is a fortress to the malcontent it will welcome all who come with open arms. The adventure in which you are now ensnared is not here."
    He takes a swig from the bottle on the counter.
    "I had a brush with a dragon a few weeks ago. The thing has left me with more wounds than I care to admit. Worse, signs of its corruption have been burning their way into my magic. It has opened my eyes to a startling truth and I am terrified. If it is adventure you seek, then I would happily feed it down your blade to that wretched lizard's heart. But such matters are better discussed in person. My study can be found through the CELLAR; twist the spigot on the CASK that houses no wine and you will find the way forward."
    What do you do?

  2. #122
    A Cryptic Wizard TheDarkOne's Avatar
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    I look out over this strange scene with suspicion, sensing that this may be some sort of illusion. The piles of riches hold no interest for me--if I am to become wealthy, it will be from my own work, not stealing it from another. The ship in particular has me baffled--how does it sail here underground with no wind? As the lift descends, I keep my senses attuned for any telltale signs that this might not be as it seems.
    Do not meddle in the affairs of dragons, for you are crunchy and good with ketchup.

  3. #123
    I shall exalt myself over all Armagedddon Games bigjoe's Avatar
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    I give into the will of the fire and scorch several of the birds, before heading through the door on the second level. I am alarmed by the behavior of the birds, so I keep on alert for anything suspicious.

  4. #124
    Ore...Sanjou! mrz84's Avatar
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    I pocket the grappling hook, thinking it could come in handy. I decide it best to leave the other statues alone and instead decide to descend into the cellar, all the time careful of any trouble I may find. At this time, my highest priority is my comrade's whereabouts and safety.
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    Playing: Final Fantasy XIV

  5. #125
    Lynel Xyvol's Avatar
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    I thank Toma for his help and ask how to get through the wine cellar to the study. I'd like to find out the wizard's intentions as soon as possible, and let the others know what I learned. I also tell Toma that I look forward to reading his thesis when it is finished. I looked to be a very interesting theory.
    <- Play Triforce Quest!

    "The greatness of one's sorrow when parting is the evidence of the deepness of one's love. So If one fears sadness, one wouldn't be able to love anything."
    -Belldandy, Oh My Goddess!

    "Who cares if I'm a star up here?" - Minmei, Robotech
    "You bookahs worry too much about external appearances. It's what's inside your skull that counts." - Taimi, Guild Wars 2

  6. #126
    Cor Blimey! CJC's Avatar
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    (With my main computer out of order at the moment and with other things conflicting with the schedule, I had to postpone Tuesday's update to today. I am also going to refrain from giving SUCCESSOR's update until he has had a chance to respond, as he's had a rough week and I do not want to put any more on his plate).

    Sancireph, you hear a GREAT EXPLOSION from somewhere above you. In fact, the shockwave of the blast disturbs your center of balance and you fall, landing on your back on the deck of the ship. It certainly looks real enough from this vantage.
    Looking over the side, you see that the ship is moving not by the force of wind, but rather by a current in the gold. Perhaps the gold itself is an illusion, or it has been subjected to some manner of magic to make it FLOW LIKE WATER. This seems likely as the gold in the tavern was also enchanted and no doubt came from here. Still, you do not feel the aggression that plagued that wealth; either this is a different stash or there is some trigger that makes the gold 'attack'.
    There's a door to the CAPTAIN'S CABIN as well as two leading down into the depths of the ship.
    What do you do?


    Jerias, you surrender to the WILL OF THE FLAME and spew an inferno upon the fowl workforce. They scatter, their feathers scattering as they are swallowed by the fury of combustion. These flutter gently onto the machinery of the brewery, burning through essential components and then, finally, upon contact with the brew, exploding like rockets and tearing the room to pieces. You survive the blast by taking shelter beyond the door in a HALL OF MIRRORS. When you look again, the brewery is nothing more than a smoking crater leading down into the caves below. Is this what the fire wanted? You hear a voice in the back of your head:
    "Yes, yes, drive the spike of fire into the heart of the fortress and tear forth the sweet nectar of gold contained within."
    What is this VOICE? It seems familiar but at the same time foreign, as if it is an alien entity forcing its way into your mind.
    What do you do?


    Zataka, as you descend into the cellar the ground shakes as a GREAT EXPLOSION sets the building quaking. Several stones fall from the ceiling but you are able to avoid them. The lady burglar from before, however, was not. You find her unconscious in front of a great CASK OF WINE; it appear during the aftershock a stone came loose and struck her on the head.
    There are an incredible number of wine casks here, and the one she's collapsed in front would appear to be nothing special save the fact that she was investigating it before she was knocked out cold. You can see ahead of you a series of JAIL CELLS, abandoned and in terrible disrepair, with one even missing its door. There is a hall of them stretching in either direction.
    What do you do?


    Malichor, Toma tells you there is a WINE CASK that isn't a cask at all. It's along the SOUTH WALL and if you try to tap it you will find that it is empty. Instead, turn the spigot like a handle and the front of the cask will open, revealing a STAIRWELL leading down to the Master's Study. There is one more hazard, however: The Master's gold is enchanted with TOON magic; it flows like water and nobody but a CRAZY DUCK could possibly swim across it (everyone else sinks). He tells you to be sure to use one of the SHORE BOATS that should be docked at the gold's edge and NOT TO LEAVE THE BOAT UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES.
    Toma thanks you for your interest and modestly states that he'll need more evidence before he can defend it to the panel.
    As you step back into the lobby, you hear a TREMENDOUS EXPLOSION from the door on your RIGHT. The entire mansion shakes, and you are forced to dive to safety when one of the chandeliers falls from the ceiling. Toma bursts out of the library, panicked, and then departs through the door on the right, looking for the source of the blast.
    What do you do?

  7. #127
    I shall exalt myself over all Armagedddon Games bigjoe's Avatar
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    I turn away from the destruction that I have just wrought. As I gaze upon my many reflections, memories of a deep torment flood my mind. This moment fills my being with rage. I have become what I once sought to defeat. Out of no desire for strategy, merely out of disgust, I begin smashing the mirrors with my lance, intent on removing myself from my vision. When there is no mirror left, I close my eyes and reflect upon the voice. Though I feel it is the source of my fury, it gives me direction. I continue onward in search of an exit, lighting the way with a small flame if needed. I take heed of the egg which I seek to protect. Its safety shall always come first.

  8. #128
    A Cryptic Wizard TheDarkOne's Avatar
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    Taking a closer look at the sea of gold, I decide it would be unwise to abandon ship. There might be clues or answers to the many questions in my head in the captain's cabin, so that will be my first destination. I keep my senses alert as I head in that direction, one of my blades in hand as I try the handle of the door.
    Do not meddle in the affairs of dragons, for you are crunchy and good with ketchup.

  9. #129
    Ore...Sanjou! mrz84's Avatar
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    In an ironic twist of fate, I use the lady burglar's own grappling hook (which I acquired earlier) to bind her and prevent her from getting into more trouble. Once I'm done with that, I plan to put her into one of the abandoned cells that has the closest to a functioning lock. I then search the casket of wine for anything of significance, even the tiniest detail.
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  10. #130
    Username Kaiser SUCCESSOR's Avatar
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    WTF? I swear to god I posted just before the fire. Grrr... Or I typed it all up on my phone and forgot to push submit. (Wouldn't be the first time.) Let me reacquaint myself with whats going on.

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