(Yeah, we were having some database issues but it seems to be all repaired now. Thank you for your patience and understanding)

Telivar Chronicle Concluding

The scrambled mansion, as well as the Telivar chronicle in general, will be closing within the next three updates (including this one depending on your actions). At that time, any open magenta-colored ACT MEDIAS RES gaps will also close, as their ability to impact the conclusion of this chronicle would necessitate a need for retcon.
I am eager to move into the next chronicle which will be more grounded and less cataclysmic in scope. It will also allow the ready introduction of new characters (for anyone waiting to join in or any current player looking to increase their character load), so I'm really excited about moving into the next stretch of the story (I'm also sick of tracking doors... there are 42 doors in the mansion proper as well as who knows how many on the grounds... not to mention the fact I have to remember which doors are already in use. It's maddening).

I planned three endings for the Telivar scenario. At least one player is working towards each ending. But interestingly enough one of the players has inspired the possibility of a fourth ending which I had not considered. So I've concocted a fifth. Therefore the first player to deal with Telivar will have their ending triggered, effectively closing the chronicle.


Sancireph, you open a door hoping it will lead to the hill outside the mansion, and in a small way it does. You see the gate to the mansion grounds, and turning back to look at the door it is indeed the front entrance. However, between you and the gate is nothing but a narrow strip of land, with a terrible abyss looming beneath. It looks wide enough to cross comfortably single file, but that doesn't help much. There doesn't appear to be anything beyond the gate, just a cliff to the darkness below. Perhaps Toma is right, it seems that the scrambled space only extends as far as the mansion grounds.
What do you do?


Zataka, as you enter the small inn bedroom... the kind you might see in a tavern, you take a close look at the whirling mass of pages. It almost looks like a cocoon, or perhaps some kind of egg. You take a quick slash at it with your great sword and scatter some of the pages, managing to catch a glimpse at what is inside. It's the lord of the mansion, TELIVAR. He still seems to be wrought with panic, and when you try to call out to him he does not respond. There must be some way to CALM HIM DOWN. You think about the argument you just had with the others about the COLONY IN THE COAL MINE.
Malichor points to the statue and asks 'What about him'? Toma shakes his head.
"All of this is just some figment... an echo from the ghost world. That's not a real wizard. It's just some terror given form by the properties of this place"
The merchant leader pipes up this time.
"Sir, I most certainly am NOT a figment, and I resent the implication. I am the great merchant chief Beymond Franks, renowned across the continent! And you and your supposed master are a couple of hapless wizards!"

You chime in: "You have to admit the resemblance is uncanny. Even if it is a figment, perhaps understanding it might help with our escape. We cannot rule out that as a mere phantom or even coincidence."
Toma seems resistant to budging on his opinion. You can't stand when people are stubborn like this. You take a closer look at the statue.
The level of detail is exacting; you've seen this kind of petrification before in your home dimension. There's no sign of chisel marks on the body, so he's clearly alive (or at least he was). You don't recall if there is any way to reverse the process on a fully fossilized specimen. After all... it's just rock at this point. Maybe if you could find some incredibly positively charged medicine, like say a Phoenix feather. But where would you even look for such a thing?

Malichor scolds him, explaining that he was able to touch one of the miners and that phantom images don't have mass.
"But we're standing in a ghost world. Who says the rules aren't different here?" Toma retorts.
Malichor shake your head, citing a lack of necessity for the logic. He explains it is better to start with the assumption that the rules are the same and then test for discrepancies.

Toma shouts
"ENOUGH! We're not getting anywhere by arguing and each minute we spend here is causing more of the dragon corruption to leech into our bodies. Let's find a door and go to the master; then when this is all resolved you can do whatever you like. Leave, preferably."
If only there were a way to revive the petrified version of Toma. Perhaps he could dispel the phantom realm you now occupy.
What do you do?


Jerias, you lean in to try to understand the bizarre coal mine positioned at the middle of a hedge maze. It is then you notice that a lattice archway is framing the scene. You realize this is just another door portal like the ones you've encountered before, so you quietly grab the hedge on its sides and pull it shut, effectively closing the portal. Turning to Atticas, you ask him to fly up and scout the maze. He soars skyward and looks around but seems puzzled.
"It's just floating in the middle of nowhere. What's with this place? Even back home we don't have messes like this."
He returns to your back.
"I don't know, even if we made it to the edge of the maze, it's just an abyss. And I'm not strong enough to carry you while I fly. Maybe we could open another door, like the one you just closed. That wizard's got to be around here somewhere."
You navigate the maze until you find another closed patch of lattice. Thinking of the wizard, you try to open it. It won't budge.
"Huh, that's odd. Shouldn't it go where we want? I thought that's how this works?"
You pause for a minute, then you come to an epiphany. All the doors to the wizard must already be open. You tell Atticas.
"Great, so we have to find a door that's already been opened? Where do we start?"
You could keep checking doors in the hedge, confident that they won't move if you're thinking of Telivar. Or you could try going back to the places you've already searched; perhaps he's connected to one of those rooms. The BURNING LIBRARY comes to mind as a good candidate.
What do you do?


Malichor, you're standing in front of the STATUE OF FUTURE TOMA with PRESENT TOMA refuting its authenticity. You wonder if the placebo effect of a paper charm would work on something that's already gone.
What do you do?


Reven, you're still in the aviary. You ponder your brush with the PHOENIX. What happened? It's almost hard to remember. A slew of doors are available to you. You could try to find those other people who were wandering around the mansion, or try to find the wizard to end this madness.
What do you do?