Tanamo, you enter the headmaster's office. Standing next to the desk is some withered old crone, while the headmaster is seated in his usual spot with his usual grim expression. Geez, you could replace the guy with a bust and nobody would notice the difference.
The headmaster speaks, gesturing to the crone.
"Tanamo, this is Miss Kashiko. She works for the district and she's going to be sitting in on your class for the remainder of the term."
The old crone smiles. Seriously, this woman is creepy; she looks like the Skeksis from Dark Crystal.
"It seems your classroom has been burning through school resources. Your repair budget is nearly six times as high as every other homeroom. Miss Kashiko is going to make sure you are treating school property with the proper reverence."
You ask how you're supposed to teach elemental chemistry without breaking a few desks.
"That's not my problem. Find a way to be more frugal, or Miss Kashiko will have to intervene."
She smiles again. Just the thought of this woman staring at you makes you shiver.
What do you do?

Continue: Aster
I reach for the wallet, but then stop. First, I realize that she would likely accuse me of having picked her pocket. Second, I decide she was rude and the loss of her personal property was her own fault. Finally, I notice the wallet is cowhide and in a fit of disgust I kick it into the storm drain.
I drudge my way to the subway and cram into a packed train car. Halfway home.
The metro screeches to a halt in the middle of a tunnel. I can see the train on the other track go by...
Why are we stopped?