(SUCCESSOR has informed me that I am not portraying his character correctly. As such, when it is necessary for other players to witness his actions I will leave it to him to explain the situation, or to the relevant player to extrapolate the situation from his previous post.

Also, the format of this RPG is beginning to fatigue me. I am considering switching to the Flash RPG format [as presented in the other thread, each player acts as game master for the previous player]. I've been thinking about this for a while and I even suggested it to Mero in chat, which led to the creation of the other game. If you object to this change, please make a note of stating such in your next post. If the format does not change, we will still likely need a new game master [as I am fatigued and continuing to squeeze the stone will only produce powder, swept away by the breeze].)

@Mero @bigjoe @SUCCESSOR
Rossaria, Jerias, and Reven...
Jerias has proposed a test of hide and seek, taking off in the treetops towards the depths of the forest. Rossaria transforms into a dire wolf and takes Reven on her back, dashing through the brush. The scent of the dragoon is mild, like dry kindling, but Rossaria is able to keep a bead on him. You come across a lake, whereupon Jerias pauses, as if testing his memory. The water is uncomfortably still, just like the forest in its entirety. You can see a twisted root sticking up from the center of the lake. The strange scents of disease and boiling antiseptic mix in the air around you.
Jerias begins to hop again, as if he is going to travel east from here, but he pauses when the root in the water moves.
What do you do?
(Keep in mind that you may introduce events and creatures that haven't been established yet, as well as manipulate creatures that are unlocked. And I've established very little about the forest.)


@mrz84 @TheDarkOne @Xyvol
Zataka, Sancireph, and Malichor...
You acquire the necessary provisions to climb the mountain: heavy winter clothes, a pack goat, climbing pitons, and various other materials to make the trek safe. Unfortunately as the hour is late you pay a premium for these services and your wallets are left a little light in the process.
You begin your trek up the mountainside, accompanied by the dwarven warrior GRINGHAM and the as-of-yet nameless GNOMISH MATH WIZARD. Following the trail of blood and ogre footprints, you make good time until a blizzard forces you into a cavern for shelter. The place is warm and there's firelight coming from deeper in the cave. Perhaps the ogres too are waiting out the storm here.
You can hear the faint sound of machinery in the distance. There are five tunnels branching out from the chamber that you occupy: two slope down, one much more steeply than the other. A third appears to be level and turns abruptly. The final two slope up, with one almost looking like a staircase.
What do you do?
(Keep in mind that you may introduce events and creatures that haven't been established yet, as well as manipulate creatures that are unlocked. And I've established very little about this cave. ...And the ogres are unlocked.)


I take it my counter-gag was not as funny as I thought. Anyways, if you're interested you can flesh out the gnomish math wizard.