Hey guys. Yep, still working on it. I've had a RL project I've been working on that gets priority, but I've been slowly churning away on it.

If anyone is interested, here are about half the total sprites and graphics from the PSP version of FF1, along with the maps and tilesets. (The binary formats are all compressed but the source code will be available shortly, so it would be possible to convert the data to another format, say to RPG Maker or whatever, as long as you have a serializer or specification for that format.)


Besides that I've been doing a lot of refactoring--there is no separate rpglib anymore, for example--and fixing a few design problems and bugs, along with some scripting.
There are now very few dependencies as everything is built-in to a core library; there are not even any c++ standard headers included, and it uses no c++ STL whatsoever. Compile times are also insanely fast.
Now that most of the major components are mostly done (except UI *cough*), I'm strongly leaning toward a "simpler is better" mentality, getting away from the (sometimes unproductive) default OOP mindset, and trying to write more data-oriented in general.

I also just realized I should take more screenshots. I am very bad about that. :/ ...I should just add a built-in screenshot function I guess.