I'm a bit late to the party.

Hash tables are usually nothing fancy, but yours is pretty dang nice, I admit. I remember when I first heard of a hash table, I thought 'why didn't I think of that'- They're a pretty cool idea.
I've seen some pretty impressive speed improvements by using a hash table. I admit, I also never liked STL, and often the word bloated to describe it; guess I'm part of the minority too!

Although, I'm probably a little crazier, because I like writing everything from scratch (reinvent the wheel much).
I'm going to try to make my own game console sometime in a few months, and I'll implement everything from it's blitting onto the screen, to controller input.
There will definitely be no STL there! It's probably pretty redundant, but once it's done, cloning it would likely be easy. Maybe I'll give them as gifts.

Obviously I'm using libraries for sound and c# scripting, I'm not that crazy
I found this line particularly hurtful.

I was never a fan of C# >.> So I'd probably create some sort of external C-like bytecode compiler, and bytecode interpreter.
Again I reinvent the wheel so much I cry myself to sleep at night. I have a problem, and it affects my rate of completion. 0.o