If you can turn a cheap last-gen smartphone into a full-blown OUYA-like console with a controller that outputs to a TV and will run emulators like SNES, PSX, etc you will be a god amongst nerds.

I'm not really a fan of lua or dynamically-typed languages, and I wasn't really digging the angelscript for all the stuff I needed to do... so c# scripting at that point was a no brainer, really. The downside is that it is very time-consuming to bind everything properly--especially when you want quick proxy or place-holders for thing that aren't done yet.
My console will not have Android OS though, that's for sure. I imagine it being OS-less, like the FAMICOM/NES! :]
I hear ya. I'm not a fan of lua or angelscript either (just because of the syntax alone)!
To be honest, I really hate dynamically typed languages! It just loses flexibility that way (and often performance).

C# isn't too bad, it's just I'm OCD about memory usage and stuff (probably because of my uC programming experience).
Complexity and flexibility usually come at the expense of speed (think c# scripting), unfortunately.
Sometimes you just have to juggle the value of a rolling it yourself and development time.

Also, the Ouya is a little disappointing, it's lower end than most phones, runs the same stuff, isn't portable.
At least Ouya gets a controller (even though most android apps are designed for touch screens).