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Thread: [RPG] Sword and Sorcery Play-by-Post

  1. #361
    Cor Blimey! CJC's Avatar
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    Okay, then we are at a consensus. Zataka was tripped and Granberia attempted to snatch the stone (which she could feel by the heat) from Sancireph's cloak. Sancireph had planned for this though and substituted another stone in place of the Veridian Stone of Audamar.

    I have an explanation for why Granberia would not be able to tell the difference, which I will supply when I post the update. I will also clarify retconning actions with regard to interacting with locked characters, which will be useful both for PvP scenarios like these and when interacting with locked NPCs (Telivar, Cecette, and Gringham).

    So here's my question: Are you guys interested in continuing the fight, or do you wish to allow the dragon and Granberia to escape and move forward with the plot?

  2. #362
    Here lies mero. Died by his own dumbassitude.
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    Forward, also dont forget my covos with CECETTE i left some boxes fo you to fill in. :)

    Also i tell th old dwarf to watch his back as i fly away. He is a basically a Siegfried. Aka dragon slayer.
    Last edited by Tamamo; 08-30-2015 at 11:16 PM.

  3. #363
    A Cryptic Wizard TheDarkOne's Avatar
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    I'm with Tamamo, move forward with the story. I'd like to see what she does when discovers her stone is a fake.
    Do not meddle in the affairs of dragons, for you are crunchy and good with ketchup.

  4. #364
    Cor Blimey! CJC's Avatar
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    Rule Clarification:

    IMPORTANT: Locked Characters and Retroactive Continuity
    Up until this point in the game interaction with a locked character has been difficult because players are not allowed to make assumptions about the character. This severely impacts how much a character can actually act as there is no way to anticipate a reaction.

    We're going to fix that.

    From this point forward players are allowed to make any assumptions they wish against a locked character.
    I know what you're thinking. You're saying "CJC, are you out of your mind?!". No, I'm being perfectly sane.

    Each player may make an assumption about any character, including a locked character or the character of another player.
    Yes, you read that correctly. Here's the twist:

    When someone has the key to a locked character (The GM for all locked characters and the owning player for a player character), they may RETROACTIVELY ALTER the continuity of an action against their character (as long as the NEXT UPDATE has not yet been posted).
    In other words, consider the following situation:

    Avarr: "I stab you in the gut with my awesome axe blades and shove you off the cliff."
    Quilni: "You TRY to stab me in the gut, but I jump onto your axe blade and kick you in the face."
    Avarr: "You TRY to kick me in the face, but I flick the axe upward and hurl you into the air, subsequently blasting you with a bolt of electricity."
    UPDATE: Avarr tries to stab Quilni with his axe, but Quilni jumps on the axe blade and tries to kick Avarr in the face. She is thrown from the weapon though and blasted with electricity, crashing to the ground.

    Because this builds on the rules of action tennis, I'm raising the post per update count to 6.


    Setting Elaboration

    Dimension: 3 Types of Energy, 3 Elements, Rules of 3

    In the reality in which this game takes place there are three fundamental types of energy:

    These three energies mix and permeate the entirety of the reality:

    Fire is generated by Wood energy
    Electricity is generated by Metal energy
    Freezing is generated by Stone energy

    Elves are imbued with a concentration of Wood energy
    Gnomes are imbued with a concentration of Metal energy
    Dwarves are imbued with a concentration of Stone energy

    Dragontrolls are attuned to Wood
    Dragonogres are attuned to Metal
    Dragongnolls are attuned to Stone

    What is perplexing is when these three energies are mixed in equal portions: they cancel each other out, creating a void. The purpose of void energy and its impact on this reality shall remain a mystery for now, but know that Humans lack a concentration of measurable energy in the dimension and are so imbued with the void.


    (Update to follow)

  5. #365
    Cor Blimey! CJC's Avatar
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    @mrz84 @TheDarkOne
    Zataka and Sancireph...
    Expecting a comfortable interrogation through bars, you are instead confronted by an ambush. The prisoner CECETTE had escaped prior to your arrival and had her eyes set on the VERIDIAN STONES OF AUDAMAR.
    She has a hostage, too, the PRISON WARDEN. It seems she's enchanted him into obeying her.
    Before anyone has a chance to react, though, you find you have been flanked by a CURSED SWORDSMAN, some manner of Dragonkin with which you are unfamiliar.

    Zataka, she challenges you to a test of skill, with the prize being freedom from the prisons. You accept and begin to enchant your bracers with tree energy to get the drop on her, but you are tired from the battle of ogres and when you blink, she has vanished. She trips you and you fall to the ground.

    Sancireph, you feel the hand of this swordsman reaching around in your cloak, but you were prepared for this. The STONE OF AUDAMAR is safely tucked in a secret pocket, no one would be able to find it while you are wearing the cloak. Instead, she pulls away with a RED PEARL you had substituted for the real stone. ...Where did you get that pearl, anyway? You saw something like that when you were in Telivar's mansion, but you can't recall taking it with you.

    Zataka and Sancireph, the plundering swordsman takes the stone and slams it into CECETTE'S BOSOM. Before your eyes the prisoner you intended to interrogate transforms into a JADE DRAGON and rips through the walls and ceiling, escaping the mountain.

    Sancireph, you ask Evaine what to do now.
    "So the stones were a dragon pearl. I can't believe I never knew."
    She glances briefly at her soldiers, still stunned by the events that have transpired.
    "It's been a long day. You two have earned your rest.

    Zataka and Sancireph, Evaine arranges accommodations and you slip into slumber almost immediately. Before you know it, morning roosters cry at the sun.

    Sancireph, you notice that your cloak isn't in the same position you left it when you went to sleep. It's upside down. Searching it, you find the pocket has been ransacked.

    Sancireph and Zataka, you go to Evaine demanding an explanation. Zataka asks what happened to the stone.
    "It's safe."
    [Act Medias Res]
    Whereabouts of the Stones
    No way to keep the stone safe.
    [/Act Medias Res]
    She sighs.
    "The city of Audamar thanks you for your services. I think it would be best if you were on your way."
    You emerge from the mountain and watch the sun rise over the plains. To the west you can see ships coming and going from a harbor. You could reach it by sunset if you wish. Faster if you hire transportation.
    What do you do?


    Granberia, you reflect on the events that led to this altercation in the prisons.
    In Draconic: "That is unfortunate. I'm sorry you had to go through that."
    You ask her to tell you a little something about herself.
    "Oh, that story is long and painful. I hate to complain to strangers."
    You insist.
    "Well, I wasn't fortunate enough to be born in this dimension like you were. I had to re-hatch after traversing a rift. Don't get me wrong, our home dimension is a dump. But the problem with rift hopping is that you can't see your destination. I crawled towards the warmth and emerged from my egg a glorious beacon of jade flame, but unfortunately I crawled out in the treasury of some horrible mountain called Audamar."
    She frowns.
    "See, the rift I used was crafted by a cabal of magicians trying to gain control of the universe. They expected to obtain ultimate power. Instead, they got me. Of course I was just getting used to my new body and I incinerated one of them. The rest decided they were going to get revenge... or some such nonsense. They pulled me apart, piece by piece, until they ripped my pearl from me."
    You shudder at the notion.
    "So now I'm doomed to linger around this wretched place, searching for my precious pearl."
    You sympathize with her plight and ask if you can help.
    "Actually, you can. See, I've been studying this world's magic since they used it to dismember me. I have become a master. But even a magister isn't invulnerable when outnumbered. I tried to take the city with ogres but I was defeated. They're oafish brutes with insufficient coordination to pull off an organized assault. But another of our race... you could help me recover what is mine. You know what to look for."
    You say that you both clearly live interesting lives. Then you ask what her plan is to escape.
    "Even from a distance I can still control the ogres. It is a simple exertion of LYCAON magic to send them orders; our connection lingers from their creation."
    You ask how she went about making the ogres in the first place.
    "I drained the essence of the forest to the south to collect Wood energy. This world is rather simple when you dissect it, actually. This I filtered into the bodies of kidnapped gnomes until they were overwhelmed, erupting into ogres."
    You ask why such action wouldn't turn them into trolls, since the energy was wood energy. You also ask why they weren't corrupted by her dragon energy.
    "Alas, without my pearl I'm no different from any other caster on this rock. As for the formation of the ogres, that I can't explain. I can only figure that the energy was warped within my body as I collected it, since I am a foreigner to this place."
    You turn her attention back to the escape.
    "Ah, yes, the escape plan. We could leave right now, but as you are aware that warden is a hawk. Instead, we should embrace patience and await the ogres. They will breach the city eventually and when they do we will make our move."
    You agree to wait for the opportunity to make your surprise attack.

    Clearing your mind, you tap the shoulder of the PALADIN standing between you and Cecette and challenge him to a duel.
    You use your multiform technique to leave a faint image of yourself in your wake while you move to his backside. Then, you trip him as he casts a wood enchantment on his armor.
    Strange, the fight should not have resolved that quickly. Looking him over, you note the fatigue in his limbs and the bags under his eyes. He has not had rest in quite some time.
    You sense that he does not have what you seek, though. You can feel heat coming from the ELVEN FIGHTER that was standing next to him. Quickly you reach into his cloak and snatch a spherical object, which you immediately recognize as a Dragon's Pearl.
    This you shove into Cecette's bosom, helping her transform back into her natural form. But something is wrong.

    She's screaming. You ride her out of the mountain but she will not stop flailing. Up in the sky she thrashes in the moonlight until she throws you from her back.
    You're falling towards a desiccated forest. You use bursts of flame to slow your descent but you still crash. You are knocked unconscious by the blow.
    A rooster crows in the distance. You realize that it is morning.
    "Wrong... wrong pearl."
    You can hear Cecette speaking in the distance. She is in pain. You find her sitting in a lake at the end of a trail of blood.
    "Wrong... pearl"
    Her wings are destroyed and her body has lacerations all over her sides. Some scales are growing to cover the wounds, but they are the wrong color. ...CRIMSON.
    "Have to get it out. Have to get him out."
    She trails off incoherently, looking off to the west. Before you can approach, she dashes away, cutting a swath through the trees.
    What do you do?

  6. #366
    Ore...Sanjou! mrz84's Avatar
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    [Act Medias Res]
    Whereabouts of the Stones
    I inquire about the stone that my comrade had and stress that even if you keep both of them here, the city is in shambles after the ogres' attack. What is to stop them from repeating it again until they succeed? Keeping the stones separate until we are sure of why Cecette wants it and what she intends to do once she has them both would be the best option. If she attacked the city and managed to get the stone here, she would have to track us down to get the other. I remain adamant about the safety of the stones above all else as this could escalate into something bigger than the city of Audamar, perhaps even the world's very safety could be at stake.
    [/Act Medias Res]

    After leaving Audamar, I think of what to do. I remember our comrade sleeping back at the inn and grow concerned for his well-being. I suggest we get transportation to check on him and then decide where to go from there.
    My Quotes and other siggy stuff.
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    Playing: Final Fantasy XIV

  7. #367
    A Cryptic Wizard TheDarkOne's Avatar
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    (Possible second character introduction)After speaking with Evaine, I mention to Zataka that I met a man at the inn after he had already gone to sleep--I stayed awake a little longer than him. I find the man sitting at a table at the inn and introduce him as Goldleaf. He is a human wizard, about six feet tall, with dark green eyes. long brown hair and a short beard. He wears blue wizard robes with gold trim and carries a quarterstaff. The end of the staff holds a faceted crystal orb, which is transparent and appears to be little more than ornamentation. The nature of his magic is not known to me. I tell Zataka that he wishes to travel with us as his previous companions died in the ogre attack. As we no longer have the benefits of Malichor's magic abilities, having a wizard travel with us could be advantageous.

    GOLDLEAF: Chaotic Good Hum Wizard
    Hair: Brown
    Eyes: Green
    Height: 6 ft
    Weight: 120 lbs
    Equipment: Staff, Ring Of Protection, Amulet (powers not revealed)
    Do not meddle in the affairs of dragons, for you are crunchy and good with ketchup.

  8. #368
    Ore...Sanjou! mrz84's Avatar
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    It is true that without Malichor we are without someone who can help identify and deal with any magical threats. After a bit of thought Zataka agrees to have Goldleaf accompany them to where ever they decide to go next.
    My Quotes and other siggy stuff.
    *Bar-Buddies updates whenever-also can email comics upon request*
    Playing: Final Fantasy XIV

  9. #369
    Here lies mero. Died by his own dumbassitude.
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    rule clarification.dragonkin and half dragons are different ill go more into it later.

    Ii track cecette to telivars mansion.

  10. #370
    Here lies mero. Died by his own dumbassitude.
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    I rush into the mansion screming.

    "keep it down i already removed the damn stone sh i fine but in istress.

    I run over to cecette an fall down an embrace her.

    "i never ment for any of this to happen. I would never hur you. I... I.. I LOVE YOU CECETETTE"

    The room falls errily silent. and finally the old geezer speaks.

    "tell me Dragon. Why do you want your stone so bad. Sure it os a part of you. but there is better option. Sur it is forbidden but i have seen much worst magi. you can becom an artificial dragonkin with my help. But i will need a favor and you will be hated by your own kind."

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