I use my borrowed scimitar and (while attempting to not tip the boat over) slash at the alligator's eyes. If I can blind it, we can try to make our way back to shore. Otherwise, I will guard against its jaws as best I can and hope that Jons can help as best he can.

You quickly slash the alligator across the eyes. You try to shove it back into the water but Jons fights you. “It’s good meat! Kill it!”
Taking the blade, which is smaller and much easier to maneuver than your greatsword, you stab the reptile in the gut. It flails a few times before it gives up, slipping into death.
“We eat tonight!” Jons proclaims happily.
The two of you turn back to return to shore with your quarry. Near the ships, you see a GIANT SILVER SERPENT hovering quizzically over several figures of the crew, who you can’t make out from here.
“Maybe we should… just wait a bit before we go back. We might catch something else with the net.”
You frantically row back to shore despite Jons’ trepidation, and within a minute you are back to shore.
What do you do?

(Read 10-16-15)