A femine voice emanates from behind behind the bar.
"Hmmhmm, your smarter then you look. That's enough La Croix."
A female mage appears from behind the counter and snaps her fingers, La Croix turns into a crow and flies to her shoulder.
"Name's Merlina, and you've passed the test. There was no employer, and no expedition. I'm actually looking for people with wits about them to not fall for shady guys and investigate the disappearances of men in a near bye village about 2 hours east of here near the coast."
The barkeeps face goes gloomy.
"I heard about that, all of sudden a woman starts singing at midnight and then by morning some of the men would of vanished."
A drunk old sailor spouts off.
"It's them mermaids I tell you!"
"Mermaids don't exist, you drunk."

Interesting this woman appears to not be hiding anything that was powerful Lycaon magic she used just now. She could prove to be a powerful ally. Also this old sailor might be on to something about the mermaids, perhaps he has more information if you lend him your ear.
What do you do?