Quote Originally Posted by DarkDragon View Post
I looked more into the full screen crash bug, and there are two separate issues:
- a race condition inside Allegro that can it to crash outright;
- Allegro does not restore the screen buffer to the proper color depth, for reasons I don't fully understand.

I tried replacing the system direct draw library with the version at https://github.com/narzoul/DDrawCompat/issues, but while it fixed the alt-tab issue, it garbles NSF playback. Go figure.

One possible fix is to switch to windowed mode before alt-tabbing on windows, and the restore full screen mode when switching back. I will test if this works.
Ooooh. So DirectDraw caused audio issues for you with NSFs, did it? That seems rather similar to what I ran into, which is a reason that I had advised upping our GME libs in the process, however I did not relate it to DX8--I related it to ag 4.4. Did the updated DirectX8 SDK fix both of the above graphical issues?

Have you looked into GME 0.6 yet? I'm uncertain how 'drop-in' friendly it will be, but I think it's something that we essentially need to do. I'm not so keen on shifting to another sound lib, as GME supports so many formats, and is rather accurate at replicating the system sounds for its supported platforms. The sad fact is that ZC is running on libs that are out of date, not only in perspective of modern programmes, but also heavily out-of-date within their own branches.

I can only imagine how many issues we could have resolved by fixing that long ago.