Quote Originally Posted by DarkDragon View Post
Due to the heavy time demands from my professional life, and my no longer having sufficient free time to devote to the ZC project and community, I have decided to resign from the staff and ZC development.

Amusingly, I cannot actually remove myself from being listed as an Administrator, due to hacking protections put in many years ago... however you should consider me permanently inactive, and someone with FTP access to the site should feel free to remove my permissions from config.php whenever they next get the chance.

I will relinquish repository commit access once I finish helping ZoriaRPG resolve one last issue (https://github.com/ArmageddonGames/Z...sic/issues/144).

I believe all other infrastructure (the wiki, the main site QDB, the old SVN repository) has been transferred to fresh hands over the past year.

I've been around this site for many years (over 15, now). The community has changed a lot in that time, of course, and the change in the way we use the Internet and social media has shifted even more dramatically. But one thing that has not changed is the remarkable passion of the quest authors and fans of Zelda Classic. I wish y'all the best of luck in the future!

Sorry to see you go. I guess all of that stuff you had planned is probably going to be a dead-end path, unless someone else wants to jump onto it; as you had a specific vision in mind, that only you truly understood.

To whom did you transfer shardstorm? I thought that only you had access to that; and AFAIK the old SVNs are not fully mirrored anywhere.