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View Poll Results: How great do you believe Link jousting on a skateboard is?

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  • Super great, I love it so much that I peed myself.

    5 55.56%
  • Really great, I didn't want to put the controller down.

    2 22.22%
  • It's one of those things that I overlook because "the reason."

    2 22.22%
  • It makes me vomit like comet and nothing gets clean.

    0 0%
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Thread: tLoZ: Dawn of Minora

  1. #21
    Admiral Zim's Avatar
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    Just another update on things that are going on with my quest:
    A)The 1st level dungeon is at 80% completion! Whee! Reflective glass floors, new door styles, and a boss that thusfar defeats me EVeRy time! (although I can see even an average player being able to win with some extra levelling up.)
    B)New Door styles: Shudder doors that open when the enemies are all defeated! (You may be thinking, "that is already exactly like other doors I've already encountered, Zim! That's rediculous!", but this is different because:) The new door type is actually ran on an FFC, preventing Link's movement in the desired direction by proxi to the door and flags of whether or not it's open. I made this new door type for a few different reasons, it's unrestricted as to where it can be placed, no Combo Position limitation, and it can be triggered by ANY lil' ol' thing, like talking to grammy at 5pm on Day 6 gets a door open in Castle room A Dmap x, screen n. etc. etc.
    C)Which leads right into new feature C, Small Key Doors FFC type! Again, you might think this is rediculous and redundant to re-create such minor details for a freeing up of placement by 15x15 pixels of movement, HOWEVER, this new door type is specifically to be rid of the idea that every time Link uses a small key the door disappears, along with the key. The doors CLOSE after Link leaves the room, and the keys are now REUSABLE. That is to say that if Link has a key that fits a certain door, or set of doors, the key does not vanish from Link's inventory when he uses it, and the doors do actually reclose, and open upon pressing the R button when standing by them.

    Examples: Most of the doors in Lvl 1 are shudder doors that close behind Link when he enters a room, locking him in, and they all stay shut until all the enemies in the room are defeated.
    The exceptions to this are when there are the doors that need the LvL 1 Dungeon Small Key, which are closed every time Link enters the room also, however, if the player decides to SAVE, or DIES, and CONTINUES, those rooms may be bypassed enemy-slaying wise as the player already will have the key to open the door still.

    D)The Zelda character can no longer run on top of the water, in fact, water deters her movement altogether now and she won't step foot in the water. Also, character switching is prohibited whilst in the water. Ganon also doesn't go near the water.
    E)Might as well be part of D, because it's the same thing, except for with regards to the skateboard. The skateboard no longer launches effortlessly over the water, instead, water combotypes act just like a solid combo, and Link's movement is blocked. IF Link happens to get the bright idea to jump into the water with his skateboard just to see what happens or something, he'll lose his skateboard and have to find another one.
    Last edited by Zim; 05-18-2013 at 06:36 PM.

  2. #22
    Admiral Zim's Avatar
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    Here's some sound bits for the enhanced soundtrack so far:

    And a deeper sounding last intro track:
    It's the same track as track 3. I still have lots of mixing to do and to actually make the intro cutscenes before I make final decisions on how the arrangement will go.
    One final mix for now:

    This will probably get edited a few more times before the game. ++ I actually prefer to play the guitar track live so when I get new strings (I am very poor and have no idea when that will happen.) I will record the track. :)
    I hope you like these though.. Any feedback is welcome though for suggestions on improvements of how you think it should sound, and by that I mean by posting here, not yelling at me while I'm doing productions at home.
    Last edited by Zim; 05-25-2013 at 11:34 PM.

  3. #23
    Admiral Zim's Avatar
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    Something exciting for today: I finally completed (after a meer few hours of working on this) a surprisingly short set of functions that can grab the collision off of the maps drawn as they are and directly implement that into the sideview screen scrolling functinos I wrote out.
    It grabs the ComboS of whatever map and screen and pastes it onto the current screen as it scrolls, pretty nifty.

    What it looks like in action:
    Last edited by Zim; 05-29-2013 at 04:52 PM.

  4. #24
    Admiral Zim's Avatar
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    Okay, I think I need help... I have the thing working perfectly except for the deal demonstrated in the Mario Lvl 1-1 video where he scales upwards into the clouds and the screen resets automatically to the center every time he lands on a new platform. The collision is working perfectly, and everything else in the scripting is the exact same as when I had to write in the collision except for that it's done by itself, all I have to do is draw the combos on the screen with ZQ and the scripting does the rest now.. It just won't recenter the screen anymore for some reason.
    Are there any experienced scripters out there that would like to take a look at the quest file and help me find out what's going wrong with it?

    note: Without the Y-axis scaling it's working beautifully, which is great because I planned on making levels without the Y axis scrolling anyway.

  5. #25
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    Since noone responded to my call for help since yesterday I decided to go ahead with Overhead Scrolling scripting, and it works perfectly!

    The only thing it lacks so far is a new warp type that can actually set Link at the right place on the map.. I already know how I'm going to go about doing that though. It's break time for awhile now though.

  6. #26
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    It's official, with all the scripting I've done ZC can function like Z3.. With the exception that I haven't taken the time to write up the hookshot scripting for the scrolling segments.
    All the collision is done automatically via script so all the user will have to do is tell the script code whether or not their DMap is using scrolling, and the top-left most screen of the scrolling segment, and what the dimensions are for the edges of the scrolling segment of the Dmap, because the same DMap can actually be used for more than one scrolling section, with different boarders for each segment, so the screen will stop scrolling when Link is at the edge.
    Here's a short video:
    The enemies only have 4 modes of movement so far also:
    1)Just like as if they were not modified and move like ZC enemies did before.
    2)Going towards Link/homing.
    3)Going away from Link/Running away
    4)Circling Link.

    Wall bombing, swimming (I even made the flippers equippable and Link swims faster overall with them on, and has a boost like LttP), the enemy and Link collision with walls, and Warp are all done. The user will be able to make tile warps in the scrolling screen by putting them on the ZQ the regular way.

    The few things I have left to get done:
    1)Hookshot for scrolling portions.
    2)Pushblocks - The most challenging thing to accomplish: I could easily write up FFC, drawtiled, or other type of pushblocks.. Writing them up so that the pushblock happens automatically in the scrolling segments is a bit of a brain buster though.
    3)Key Doors: Which is exactly like bomb walls so that's pretty much done - a slight mod of the other script.
    I made that alternate key door and shutter door, but those are ffc and not modded for scrolling yet, also require a little bit more setup than just putting a door on the screen with ZQ.
    4)Bush Burn: Also exactly like bomb walls so that's gonna be a quick fixup.
    5)Pegasus Boots: I have everything I need for this script in my head already, just haven't got around to it yet. Also, I need to check out LTTP since it's been over a decade since I played through it and see how the behavior is. I recall him staying completely still, charging up to run, and then dashing in a straight line until a collision or the player stops.. Then I also have this memory of a stutter step forward whilst charging to run.. Maybe that was a different game though.
    6)Block Maker Cane.

    The rest of the things I have planned for my ZC stuff are all optional, and not really an essential to functionality..
    Like lock-on boomerang, which is already done - some modding of the lock-on missile script, complete with multiple target selection.
    Wolf-Link style lock on and lunging for scrolling : It's already done for regular overhead, sideview is okay also, nether overhead or sideview scolling can use it right yet though.
    Since there are random weather patterns in my game, and the wind changes direction at random already, Wind-Waker type stuff is just one "baton" item in the box and a button/dpad press away from there.
    A small playable portion of a game involving the clock, days, events, and the looping of those things: This is already done actually, the events I made in the original quest file weren't all that great though, there was a mermaid at the dock and people talking about it if Link missed his chance, gave hints towards what time it was, etc.. Then he could restart the clock and go there and she'd be there and give him a sword... I had plans for a guy to be blocking the entrance to level 2 until 9 A.M. Day 1, regardless of Link's other activity.. That way he'd be able to access Level 2 pending the condition of having the game on for 1 hour, despite everything else going on, then make the ability to jump ahead some hours available after beating Level 2, so upon restart he could get there in a quick minute.
    I have LttP Ganon sprited and ready for scripting. I think I'm not going to try to make him the exact same though. Probably a lot more difficult to defeat and quicker or something. I ran through LttP in approximately 2.5 hours in my younger days, 100% Completion, all items, hearts, etc, and it felt easy to do.

    This stuff being said, I would like to hear some voices/read opinions about your take on making this scripting a package for quest creation. I know I've read more than one thread in more than one forum about people making LttP remakes, and they all said they actually don't do screen scrolling or other things actually LttP-esque, but moreso using the graphics.

    So I went and get the LttP tileset and checked it out.. It's not really that good because the NPC are their usual size and Link for some reason was crunched into a 16x16 pixel space instead of using a hitbox offset and an extended tile.
    Pending an actual modification of that tileset, (Since I usually lack the patience to rip and grab all that stuff myself I would use it as a base, *hope to get full permissions first*), it would maybe be most optimum to use that tileset in conjunction with this script for a bundled quest making package.

    The modifications will have to be a) Putting in all the graphics for stuff that isn't in it already for 'Essential' things, mainly the debugging portion, and a few other things. That way if someone picked it up, even if they didn't/don't like my graphics they would know exactly what's going on and change the tile numbers or copy over mine. b)Make Link's tile the normal size. It's actually totally ridiculous looking to see all the normal LttP stuff and this crunched Link in the middle of it.

    I'm using the DoR tileset and I like it. The LttP tileset would be great to use too though.

    I've read a lot of stuff now about LttP remakes.. I would actually like it a lot to see this happen. It'd take me a year working non-stop to tile out the whole game myself though... Which is why I'm going to start a new thread about this topic.

    Edit: The only "special" setup for this whole scrolling screen process is that when Link is warped to a DMap with scrolling, he actually needs to be warped to the DMap and screen directly -1 of the DMap of layer 0, and the quest creator needs to put in the Screen X and Screen Y of the scrolling screen parameters. So for Screen 0,0 of Dmap 2, scrolling a 6x4 screen, he or she would have to warp Link to Screen 0,0 of DMap 1, and input 6 and 4 into the scrip that when Link is on DMap 1, Screen 0,0, the X parameter is 6 and Y is 4.
    Last edited by Zim; 06-06-2013 at 03:07 PM.

  7. #27
    Admiral Zim's Avatar
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    int M[100];
    int MU[100];
    void MULVAL()
    Here's an add-on for the calculator script that does the multiplication. You'd have to integrate it yourself, and thus far only does 1 digit multiplied by 20 digits. You could go power genius on this and use those other conversion scripts already included to make it do more.

  8. #28
    Gel crazyal02's Avatar
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    Wow, this looks really cool! The scrolling in particular is impressive
    I'm a monolith. With teeth.

  9. #29
    Cor Blimey! CJC's Avatar
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    This project is pretty jaw-dropping. Is it just me, or are your side-scrolling bits trying to mimic Metroid more than Mario? Because Metroid is a cooler side-scroll game anyway, especially when RPG elements like equipment are involved.

  10. #30
    Admiral Zim's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by CJC View Post
    This project is pretty jaw-dropping. Is it just me, or are your side-scrolling bits trying to mimic Metroid more than Mario? Because Metroid is a cooler side-scroll game anyway, especially when RPG elements like equipment are involved.
    It's wall kicking for sure. After some adjustments and decision making I decided on no kicking off the same wall twice, which isn't exactly like Metroid, and can be changed quickly, and that ex2 (i think) allows the character to grab the wall and cliffhang.

    The game file is ready for other users to make quests with.. I'm pretty much done with further development until I get a new laptop (because I smashed my 4 core toshiba in a fit of rage) and I learn more about .dat file writing.
    In it's current state, with minor alterations, it could mimick anything from Mario to Megaman X.

    Thanks for the compliment! I appreciate that!

    edit: Which reminds me, anyone interested in buying a motherboard or memory chips from a P755? (which btw ran this quest at 50+fps even with the scrolling and 10+ baddies on the screen.
    Last edited by Zim; 08-08-2013 at 05:32 PM.

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