Quote Originally Posted by Tamamo View Post
I choose to check the traps for crabs.
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Granberia checking the crab traps and scanvenging for materials to make diving gear.
Side Note: I am actually going to make two reeds and two pairs of flippers.
One of the traps has caught a crab. The other... no such luck. It appears to have been damaged from the explosion, and whatever was caught inside abused the impaired structural integrity to smash its way out of the trap. You toss it back into the water to be carried out with the tide, since it won't be useful.
One crab... kind of a sad haul. Still, even split among the survivors it might help to make the rationing less intense.
You begin to search the ship for materials useful in constructing a diving kit. When looking for a breathing reed, you notice the pile of weeds that were collected the previous day. You consider rolling one of them into a breathing apparatus, but Cecette stops you.
"I wouldn't do that if I were you. I don't like the feel of those plants. They look poisonous; I certainly wouldn't want them near MY mouth."
Looking outside the cabin you notice one of the frogmen dropped its spear. It's made of bamboo with sharpened stone tied to the tip. Since the handle is hollow, you could easily modify it to make a breathing reed.
As for flippers... well, it doesn't seem like there's much around here which would work for that. You'll either have to dive without them or go scavenging the other wrecks.

You begin to climb the sea stack, confident the frogmen could not occupy the MERCHANT SHIP as the climb is too treacherous. Reaching the boat, you come across a rather large hole in the hull. It could be patched, but first you'd have to get the ship off of this rock formation. Still, it makes a nice means of entry.
Boarding the merchant ship, the first thing you note is the unbelievable wealth of artifacts in the hold. It looks like this vessel was being used to smuggle cultural treasures. There's quite a bit of gold, too, scattered about in trunks and gaudy sacks with dollar signs on them.
As you step into the ship, you notice that it shifts uncomfortably from your weight. It is almost as if the thing was balanced on top of the stack. ...Placed.
Uh oh.
You hurry to the center of the hold so that you can catch your balance and keep the ship from rocking. If you are going to take anything from this ship, you will have to be careful to counterbalance the weight of the object removed. Alternatively, you could arrange for the ship to topple and then pick through the rubble, but that would eliminate it as an escape candidate.

Mangetsu Zataka,
The immediate threat out of sight, you decide to go into the cabin and fetch some breakfast. Wallace, the one-armed cook, seems to be struggling with the net you retrieved the previous day.
"Drat, the damn thing is all tangled!"
You ask what he's up to.
"Well, the captain's private washtub is made of teak, so it will float. If we can get this net straightened out, we might be able to paddle out a ways from the island and catch some fish. But this net's got a tear in it and it's all tangled up"
You wonder how you might help.