Game News

Okay, we have one self nomination [Tamamo] and a vote to go on hiatus. Since I feel a hiatus would mean the death of the game, I have decided that as Tamamo was nice enough to volunteer her service as game master I am going to accept the offer.

Thus, the next update will be my last... for now. Tamamo is then free to continue making updates for players at her leisure [though it might work best to keep with a once-a-week pace].

Here is a list of the currently locked characters and the players who have access to them:

Sancireph = @TheDarkOne [Pronouns: Ravager, Aasimar]

Mangetsu Zataka = @mrz84 [Pronouns: Paladin, Soldier]

Malichor = @Xyvol [Pronouns: Mage, Paper Wizard]

Reven = @SUCCESSOR [Pronouns: Ranger, Stranger]

Jerias = @bigjoe [Pronouns: Dragoon, Lizardman, Snake]

Rossaria = @Tamamo [Pronouns: Huntress]

Gnomish Math Wizard = @ctrl-alt-delete

Gringham = @CJC [Pronouns: Knight, Dwarf]

Telivar = @CJC [Pronouns: Hedge Wizard]

Toma the Younger = @CJC & Current Game Master

Toma the Elder = @CJC & Current Game Master

Lady Red = @Tamamo & Current Game Master [Pronouns: Vampire]

Texia = @SUCCESSOR & Current Game Master [Pronouns: Venom Dragon]

Atticas = @bigjoe & Current Game Master [Pronouns: Green Dragon]

Bankraz = @SUCCESSOR & Current Game Master [Pronouns: Azure Dragon]

Any remaining characters not listed (like the crossbow burglar) are free game for anybody to post, manipulate, and act on as they please.