Summary (since last update):

Frogmen attacked. Granberia tried to impress them with fire, but they caused an inferno by slapping her hands. Goldleaf saved the ship with a blast of cold, which drove the frogmen off in fear.

Various characters set out to scavenge and fortify the Katrien’s Glory for the next night:

Granberia went diving and found a mysterious diary. A burst of cold prevented her from opening it.

Sancireph climbed up into a balanced smuggler’s ship in search of supplies, but found the boat too precarious to navigate.

Goldleaf lowered the balanced smuggler’s ship off the sea stack and onto the ground.

Zataka repaired a fishing net and rowed out with Jons to try it out. They caught an alligator.

Sancireph and Goldleaf caught the attention of the giant Silver serpent ERASMUT, who asked if they were interested in playing a game. Goldleaf is enraged by this beast, but is drained from using his staff.

Rose went walking with Cecette to ask about the blood sample collected. The two got into a fight and Rose fled with one of the frogmen.
This actually foils one of my plans, but I’ll cope and work around it. It might still be salvageable.

Finally, Granberia tried to pick a fight with the serpent ERASMUT.

Granberia: "I prefer disgruntled thank you. And I'm a she don't let the short hair fool you kid"
Erasmut: "I know you’re a lady! I was talking about that other guy. He was like you, but different. Different-er?"
You’re nonplused by this development. What other guy? Is he talking about some other dragonkin?
G: “What other guy?”
E: “He was like you, but more like me too. With a shiny green stone in his chest.”
Not a Dragonkin. A Dragongnoll… with Cecette’s Pearl!
G: "I need to find this guy. I guess we can't play together. Take care Erasmut, enjoy your play time."
You prepare to leave, but Erasmut starts to talk again.
E: “Toys I’m not playing with have to go into the box.”
Before you can react, you feel yourself plummeting through a wyrmhole. It’s… different, though. There aren’t walls protecting you like you’re used to, and you can feel a strange energy bombarding you like sunlight from all sides. In an instant it is over, though, and you find yourself in a cubical room--fashioned out of limestone--waist deep in briny seawater. Graveblossom weeds hang all around the walls. There’s one other person here with you… it’s one of the crew of the Katrien’s Glory.
Crewman: “Oh, it’s the swordswoman! Thank god, you’ve got to get me out of here?”
You feel the spirits of water gathering around you. This is a holy place, despite its employment as a toy chest by the juvenile dragon.
What do you do?

Your mute “Kuo-Toa” leads you to the warship on the far shore of the grotto, opposite Katrien’s Glory. You can see hundreds of them, staring at you with hateful eyes. The one who helped you holds up its arms and gestures and the others retreat.
He guides you into the captain’s quarters of this vessel. They’re a mess; everything has been thrown about and those Graveblossom weeds are growing everywhere. He points to a portrait of a young captain, no doubt the original owner of this ship. Then he points to the weeds, and finally to himself.
You think you understand his meaning.
Hmmm… it would be Lycaon magic and Gourmand magic, then. A curse hanging over this tropical hell. But… the only practicing magicians here are Goldleaf and Cecette, and you’ve burned the bridge with Cecette.
What will you do?

You quickly slash the alligator across the eyes. You try to shove it back into the water but Jons fights you. “It’s good meat! Kill it!”
Taking the blade, which is smaller and much easier to maneuver than your greatsword, you stab the reptile in the gut. It flails a few times before it gives up, slipping into death.
“We eat tonight!” Jons proclaims happily.
The two of you turn back to return to shore with your quarry. Near the ships, you see a GIANT SILVER SERPENT hovering quizzically over several figures of the crew, who you can’t make out from here.
“Maybe we should… just wait a bit before we go back. We might catch something else with the net.”
You frantically row back to shore despite Jons’ trepidation, and within a minute you are back to shore.
What do you do?

Granberia and the dragon are arguing. You sort of drown out the particulars, but one line catches your attention:
Erasmut: “Toys I’m not playing with have to go into the box.”
As the serpent speaks these words, Granberia vanishes, leaving only a strange diary where she stood.
He turns his eyes back to you.
E: “So… what should we play?”
Goldleaf rises to his feet, then collapses to his knees again. You can sense a terrible rage within him.
E: “I know! Let’s play Hide and Seek!”
He looks around.
E: “…But it’s not really fun with only two people. I guess I could put you in the box for now, and take you out later when everybody’s ready to play.”
You worry he’s going to vanish you like he did to Granberia. There must be some way to stall him.
What will you do?

As you take a closer look at this serpent, onto whom you are projecting your rage, you notice that it is the same serpent you saw when you opened the wyrmhole to Siegbert. Was it a premonition, or is this thing following you?
…No, it’s far too naïve to be tormenting you like that. It must just be a beast similar in appearance to the one who hurt you.
Did it just say something about Hide and Seek?
What will you do?