Quote Originally Posted by James24 View Post
I can guarantee you Anarchy that this political problem will follow you no matter where you go. Megaman or Zelda or whatever other game you make. There is no escape.

Difficulty is a political problem that has existed ever since the first games were made. And the simple reality is that most players do not like hard difficulty because they get their asses handed to them. If you bring your Type B culture to Megaman, you're going to face the same 0-star ratings for being too hard and not enough focus on graphics etc... It might not be Dimentio in that case, but there will be some other type A player there who will criticize it for sure.

I played Megaman 3 (aka Rockman 3) a while back and there were energy canisters that were put in for precisely this reason - to make it easier for those who would complain. Game is playable without using a single energy canister but its really, really hard. Politics have common threads wherever you go.
Believe it or not, in the Mega Man community, it ISN'T. While not all of the freeware mega man games are insanely tough, enough are that it shouldn't be a problem. Revolution and Day in the LimeLight 2 are particularly known for it, and those two are well liked.
@ZoriaRPG Touche, this probably should be split @ChrisMiller
@Gleeok and Zoria, Game Maker is FAR superior to the Platformer Starter Kit I built the Marauder Shields Video Game on, so meh. Maybe it ain't the best, but it's damned good enough for me. Hell, programming custom bosses in ZC is WAY harder than doing it in C/C#/C++, because you have to program AROUND a pre-existing AI.