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Thread: NeoFirst Story and Plot Tracker

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    NeoFirst Story and Plot Tracker

    This post will contain the entire official story of NeoFirst Quest, so that everybody knows what's going on. Suggestions for improvements will be considered.

    About Hyrule

    The "Hyrule" in NeoFirst is not Nintendo's Hyrule. In particular, its history doesn't follow from any of Nintendo's games. There is no Ganon, no Vaati, and no Master Sword of Evil's Bane. Also, the geography of NeoFirst's Hyrule can't be compared to any of the official Zelda games' worlds.

    However, the following elements are still present in Hyrule, albeit changed:
    • The Triforce (which comes in three pieces: Power, which grants its holder absolute command of the forces of the world; Wisdom, which grants its holder knowledge approaching omniscience; and Courage, which grants its holder steadfast endurance and perseverence.
    • The three golden creator goddesses Din and Nayru and Farore (who created the world from chaos and left the Triforce at their point of departure)
    • The Sacred Realm (which is a mirror of both Hyrule and the spirit of the Triforce's holder.)
    • Princess Zelda (who is one of many past Princess Zeldas)
    • Link (who is the only "Link" in Hyrule's history)
    • The intelligent peaceful races of OoT Hyrule and the Oracle realms (Fairies, Gorons, Zoras, Gerudo, possibly Subrosians and Tokays.)
    • The four elements and the Four Sword (referenced only in backstory - see below.)
    • Some landmarks (Hyrule Castle, the Temple of Light, Lake Octorok, Zora's Spring, Eagle Dungeon, East Palace etc.)


    I think NeoFirst should not just be a starting-point for other people's quest design and implementation, but also a starting-point for other people's quest storylines. As such, the characters of NeoFirst will make references to (and maybe the NeoFirst introduction sequence will summarise) two prior ages of Hyrule - at least one of which I have devised so as to resemble the events of a typical ZC quest.

    The other point of these backstories is to explain why Hyrule is in its current state - overrun by monsters, and all of its grand buildings in ruins, with only one small town left which is in itself a hotbed for organised crime.

    (Most of this information won't really be relevant to the quest itself - feel free to ignore it.)
    • A long time ago
    • The master Wizzrobe, (let's call him Grymwald or something), holds the Triforce of Power. He forces the Earth to "grow wrathful and spout its blood at the sky in rage". Thus he creates his tower stronghold, Mt. Frostburn.
    • Using the full might of the Triforce of Power, Grymwald imprisons the Great Fairies of Magic, Nature, Wind, and the elements (Spring, Summer, Autumn, Winter). Thus the seasons vanish, the wind stops, plants stop growing, and magic ceases to exist for those beneath Mt. Frostburn.
    • This continues for quite some time until a young woman, holding the Triforce of Wisdom, releases each of the Great Fairies, gradually restoring Hyrule.
    • She then fights her way to the top of Mt. Frostburn and defeats Grymwald. She becomes the First Queen of Hyrule.
    • The Triforce of Power is then divided between the eight intelligent races: Humans, Deku, Fairies, Moblins (includes Goriyas and Darknuts), Lynels, Gorons, Zoras, and Subrosians.
    • The Triforce of Wisdom is handed down from mother to daughter in the royal family.

      Age of Sarai (40 years before NeoFirst)
    • The King of Hyrule is turned to stone.
    • The King's personal witch, Sarai, and her lover, the knight Dim, are assigned to acquire the Four Elements to forge the Four Sword, which is known to have the power to reverse petrification.
    • Dim acquires the Four Elements.
    • Sarai uses the Four Elements to create the Four Sword.
    • Instead of de-stoning the King, she shatters him, and claims the power of the Four Sword for her own. Using its powers, she proceeds to conquer the kingdom.
    • Dim is sent by Zelda, the King's daughter, to acquire the pieces of the Triforce of Power.
    • Dim unites the Triforce of Power, and uses it to create the Golden Sword. He then uses Zelda's Triforce of Wisdom to make the Golden Ring. Using these items, he reluctantly destroys Sarai.
    • Dim marries Zelda and becomes King Dim.

      Age of Dim (20 years before NeoFirst)
    • King Dim, having slowly grown mad with heartbreak from Sarai's death at his hand, learns that by uniting the three Triforces, he can restore her to life. So, he uses the Triforce of Power to raise an army to invade neighbouring kingdoms, including Calatia, where the Triforce of Courage is said to lie.
    • Someone (let's call him Miro), an orphan of Calatia, vows to assassinate Dim.
    • Miro sneaks into Hyrule and into Hyrule Castle and works with the morose Queen Zelda to slay Dim.
    • Dim's forces seize the Triforce of Courage and deliver it to Hyrule.
    • Zelda, sensing disaster approaching, gives Miro her baby to take into hiding. This baby will grow up to become NeoFirst's Zelda.
    • King Dim, in the depths of pain, summons Sarai from death using Queen Zelda as a sacrifice.
    • Miro slays King Dim and Sarai, and claims the three Triforces.
    • With the King slain and the Triforce of Power missing, Hyrule is thrown into chaos. Hyrule Castle is stormed by looters and/or monsters.
    • Miro returns home, but not before shattering the three Triforces into up to a thousand pieces and scattering them to the winds.

    Just prior to NeoFirst
    • Over the two decades that passed since the Triforce of Power's shattering, the pieces have been sought, gathered and transported back to the top of Mt. Frostburn by the members of a certain magical guild. They hope to reform the complete Triforce of Power, and, in the absense of the monarchy, use its power to regain mastery of the world, as long-gone Grymwald had mastery of it.
    • Over the two decades, the shattered Triforce of Courage would be re-formed and delivered to the Forest Temple.
    • Over the two decades, the shattered pieces of the Triforce of Wisdom would be hunted down by the young Zelda.

    NeoFirst's Event Sequence 1.0
    (14/4/2008: I've come to the conclusion that this sequence, while not that bad, is at a bit of a conflict with the general design of the quest itself, so I'm likely to make a new version of it sometime later. Anyway: )

    Here are the events that will take place within the NeoFirst quest itself:
    • At the beginning of history, the three goddesses raised out of the firmament of chaos the world of Hyrule. But chaos wasn't oblivious to this invasion by the forces of order. It yearned to unmake Hyrule, to return it to the shapeless, formless firmament from which it was shaped. And, after a time longer than the spans of stars, it managed to force an order and structure upon a small aspect of itself, and thus moulded a Champion for itself. This Champion had no name, but to its enemies he would be known as Lord Menace, the bringer of armageddon.
    • Lord Menace enters the Sacred Realm, whereupon he uses his influence to make it a world of chaos and darkness.
    • His influence upon the Dark World is reflected in the Triforce pieces, which become tainted.
    • Lord Menace, having subdued the Dark World, attempts to break through into Hyrule. However, the Temple of Light becomes destroyed when he does this, sealing him within the Dark World for a time, at least.
    • Start: Meanwhile, Link starts the game [in the Mystic Forest], where some Moblins have taken his Deku Stick and hidden it somewhere. After a bit of gameplay, he gets it back.
    • At this point, a knight appears, and presents Link with a summons from Princess Zelda, who (owing to the overthrow of Hyrule Castle) is living in a small palace in the east, along with a few scant knights who are still loyal to the royal family.
    • After some overworld traipsing, Zelda shows Link the tainted Triforce of Wisdom in her basement, and tells him about the shattered Temple of Light. All of this indicates that a vastly dangerous entity is gathering within the Sacred Realm, and for the safety of the world it must be vanquished.
    • She then says that the gate leading to the Sacred Realm requires all three Triforces to open.
    • She says that the reason Link was summoned was because one of the Triforce pieces is in the Forest Temple deep in the Mystic Woods. The Mystic Woods' resident spirits prevent most outsiders from entering its deeper areas. But as Link has lived for a long time within the forest, he among all of them is most fitting to reach the Forest Temple.
    • L1:Link then goes off, eventually heading to the Forest Temple to get the tainted Triforce of Courage, which he takes to Zelda.
    • When he gets there, Zelda notes his increase in power, and decides that he should fetch the remaining Triforce piece. She tells him to seek out the Triforce of Power, which her own Triforce tells her is in the nearby mountain.
    • L2: Link does so, fighting off an ice dragon, a deluded knight and three Orbs of Chaos (created by the tainted Triforce of Power itself?) to get it.
    • When he returns, he is told by a knight that Zelda has headed to the Temple of Light.
    • L3: Link reaches the Temple of Light and meets Zelda. Both of them proceed through it and its chaos-tainted counterpart, the Temple of Shadows.
    • They find the legendary Golden Arrows and reach the Triforce Gate. Zelda and Link both open the gate into the Dark World.
    • Zelda begins acting strangely, and she and Link lose each other.
    • Some time later, Zelda tells Link that the only thing preventing Lord Menace from being freed from the Dark World is the Triforce, the objects of sublime divine order. If Lord Menace acquired the Triforce, he would expel it from the world of Hyrule entirely, thus destroying the Sacred Realm and freeing him from it. She then runs away again.
    • Even later, Zelda tells Link that her tainted Triforce of Wisdom has been telling her terrible things. That the forces of Chaos are invincible and unstoppable. That the ravages Hyrule has suffered over the past 40 years have left it too weak to fight. That the only way to destroy Menace is through the complete Triforce, and there is no way that they can ever unseal it. Then she demands that he hand over his Triforces of Power and Courage.
    • Link and Zelda do battle, with Link proving victorious.

    Now, the next bit is a branch depending on how you fight Zelda. If you take the sword unto her flesh, this happens:
    • Lesser End: Link slays Zelda dead and takes her Triforce of Wisdom, forming the complete Triforce.
    • Link proceeds to where Lord Menace dwells, and they engage in a mighty duel. Link uses the Golden Arrows to attack Menace until he changes to his second form, which can resist the arrows.
    • After Link defeats Lord Menace's first attack form, he is visited by a ghost. The ghost is that of Zelda, who tells Link that there's no hope left of defeating Menace and unsealing the Triforce. However, [Details forthcoming]
    • Link runs away and escapes back to the Temple of Shadow, and [Details forthcoming]
    • Thus Hyrule is safe... but it is a hollow victory. The complete Triforce can now never be unsealed, Zelda is dead, and with her the royal line of Hyrule is extinguished. Nevertheless the game ends.

    Or, if you fight Zelda the gentle way, there's this ending:
    • Better End: Link uses the Golden Arrow's light force to drive the influence of chaos from Zelda. But while she doesn't die, she loses all endurance and collapses. Link must carry her prone body to the final battleground.
    • Link proceeds to where Lord Menace dwells, and they engage in a mighty duel. Link uses the Golden Arrows to attack Menace until he changes to his second form, which can resist the arrows.
    • After Link defeats Lord Menace's first attack form, he is visited by a ghost. The ghost is none other than that of King Dim, mad sad lover of Sarai, and Zelda's father! While begging his daughter's forgiveness for ruining the kingdom, he presents Link with two items: the Golden Sword (L4) and the Golden Ring. These items, in addition to the Golden Arrows, contain an essence of the Golden Triforce, and thus can penetrate Lord Menace's defenses. Zelda may be conscious at this point.
    • Link uses the Golden Sword to continue the duel against Menace, and when he delivers the final blow, he brings all three of the Golden items together to unseal the complete Triforce and utterly annihilate Lord Menace.
    • When he does this, Link and Zelda exit the room to find that, as Link now holds the complete Triforce, the Sacred Realm has returned to normal.
    • The narrator finishes the story, and the end credits (superimposed over epilogue scenes) scroll upward while sweet rock music plays. Or something. GAME technically OVER.

    Any suggestions?

  2. #2
    Cor Blimey! CJC's Avatar
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    Re: NeoFirst Story and Plot Tracker

    Well, it's not a feelgood story, but it's punctual and I like it.

    But I don't think he should carry around Zelda's lifeless body. He should lay her down gently where they fought and leave her there.

    However if you do decide that carrying the princess around is necessary, then he shouldn't be able to use any items or his sword while he's holding her.
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    Re: NeoFirst Story and Plot Tracker

    Are any Zelda stories "feel-good"?

    (I know Wind Waker's sure isn't.)

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    Re: NeoFirst Story and Plot Tracker

    Typically, in Zelda games, when you do battle with someone who is tainted (think at the beginning of OoA), if you defeat them, they just faint and regain conciousness later, in a much less evil state. This might be a bit better idea than killing off the title character of the game.
    It's a bit easier to swallow, too.

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    Re: NeoFirst Story and Plot Tracker

    What? Who said that Zelda was dead?! I only said that Zelda was prone. Y'know, limp and stuff.

  6. #6
    a.k.a. Zephlon Arphanosh Mega Link's Avatar
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    Re: NeoFirst Story and Plot Tracker

    There should be 2 endings, the one where Link loses and one where Link wins.

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    Re: NeoFirst Story and Plot Tracker

    Quote Originally Posted by _L_ View Post
    What? Who said that Zelda was dead?! I only said that Zelda was prone. Y'know, limp and stuff.
    Ah, yes. I see now. It definately could be interpreted as her being dead, especially after Cjc's post.

    Now that I'm in a place with a competent internet connection, I can finally try out all these things I've been hearing so much about. More feedback to come.

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    Re: NeoFirst Story and Plot Tracker

    Quote Originally Posted by Mega Link View Post
    There should be 2 endings, the one where Link loses and one where Link wins.
    Well, that particular part of the story is subject to change without notice.

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    Re: NeoFirst Story and Plot Tracker

    Wow, that is quite the thourough backstory. I assumed at first that Zelda was dead, because you know, the whole "They do battle" thing, and you usually kill your opponent.

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    Re: NeoFirst Story and Plot Tracker

    An implicit "That's very, very cool, _L_" should be assumed for roughly the entire duration of this post. Agreed? Thank you.

    First of all though, ...
    with only one small town left which is in itself a hotbed for organised crime.
    *LOL* !!! XD That's very cute. ;-p To be fair though, the head boss is waaaay to the east, in the Volcanic hot zone in SouthEast .. <land> ..

    # L3: Link reaches the Temple of Light and meets Zelda. Both of them proceed through it and its chaos-tainted counterpart, the Temple of Shadows.
    # They reach the Triforce Gate, and Zelda and Link both open the gate into the Dark World.
    So their end goal is the equivalent of the L3 Entrance room, but in the Shadow Temple?

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