Name: Anna Kelough
Age: 23
Location: The Village, OK
Spouse or Significant Other: Kolt Kelough (ctrl-alt-delete)
Children: Daughter, Serenity, born July 27th, 2011
Pets: 2 dogs: Pit Bull/Lab mix, Jamie. Border Collie, Collin. 3 cats: Midnight, Macy, and Kidden.
Siblings: 1 sister.
Favorite Movie: The Dark Knight Rises
Favorite Band: I listen to literally everything... (yes, even country) So my favorite band always changes.
Favorite Genre: 90's or classic rock.
Favorite Sport: Basketball Football is a close second.
Favorite Food: Mexican or sushi.
Occupation (if student, area of study): I work for my aunt doing office work but mainly a stay at home mommy.