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Thread: Customizing the quest

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    Customizing the quest

    Is it possible to make a conditional in the ZC quest editor so if link enters a dungeon, the dungeon changes based on what items he has? For example, if Link captures 2 pinks fairies and one green one, then enters a hollowed out tree can I make it so the dungeon that he enters in that tree is different based on what color of fairies he has and to what amount?

  2. #2
    The Artist Once Known As Old-Skool QDB Manager
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    Hey gschudel. From the sound of it I assume you're pretty familiar with the program, so I'm gonna get into some advanced stuff and hope I don't lose you :x

    Naturally, there is no direct approach to it. There is a great degree to which a quest's rules and science can be altered by using supplemental scripting, but somehow I don't imagine you want to have to go through that.

    That said, you can alter the dungeon based on whether Link has a specific usable item, or at least occupied the same space as anything he can pick up.

    Let's say you wanted just a single room in a dungeon to change: The best way to go about this would probably be to use a step trigger combo underneath where the item is collected, and then use Screen State Carryovers to carry that secret status over to the room in the dungeon. To get the item, Link naturally has to step on the combo, and the SSC would cause that screen's activated secret status to apply to a dungeon room, activating secrets in that as well and resulting in a complete potential change in the room's combos (if you have the flags set up right.) The problem here is, while SSC's *may* be applied to dungeon rooms (I'm actually not sure on this), they cannot come *from* dungeon rooms. In all likelihood you would have to collect your item on an overworld map, and again I'm not entirely sure that an overworld's screen state will properly carry over to a dungeon screen.

    Another more tedious but effective method would be to create a duplicate of the dungeon in question, containing the changes you'd like to see. Assuming again that the item was found on an overworld map, the above SSC method could instead be applied to the overworld screen containing the dungeon entrance. Using secret flags, you could have the "Cave (walk down) A" combo change to a "Cave (walk down) B" combo, with B taking you to the alternate dungeon. (This is also a rather effective way to have people in caves say different things or give you different things based on how far in the game you are.)

    Still another more "low-tech" approach that doesn't require SSCs would be to once again put a secret flag over your "cave (walk down) A" combo to turn it into a "cave (walk down) B" combo, but put the conditions for activating that secret right there on the screen with the entrance. You would of course need to somehow find a way to force the player to use the item if they have it and thus activate the appropriate secret (like if you found the hammer, have a stake somewhere near the entrance.) This requires a good deal of screen engineering though in order to get something like this to work. The second method is really probably your best bet. And no, I doubt it would work well based on how many colored fairies he has.

  3. #3
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    Your best option would be to have a string at the start of the dungeon which changes based on Link's counters or which items he possesses. Then the string can give Link a custom item "WarpDummyA" which--when coupled with an appropriate script--triggers Sidewarp A (repeat for B, C, and D).

    @bigjoe made a simple FFC script that checks for WarpDummy in Link's inventory and then draws a combo with the "AutoSideWarpA" type (at least I think that's what he did). I'd try to write a similar function for you but I'm a little rusty.

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