Woah... where'd you get those curved dead trees in the first shot? Those look really nice...

Anyhow, the way the lava interacts with the rest of the shot... well, it doesn't. I mean, it needs like, an added lighting effect. Then it'd fit together really well. Aside from that, tis looks great.
Second shot - I know it's supposed to be a desert, but aside from the trees, it does look a little bland.
Third - Custom enemies? Designed to act like LttP ones? ... I dunno. But still an interesting shot.
Fourth - I swear I've seen that same shot from IotW Level 2... ah well, still fair enough.
Fifth - Ok, again, lighting effects. Also, that veil of darkness due to the heat should really only cover over the land, so that if the lighting effects of the lava were added, it'd REALLY look... awesome. Twould burn everything else so much (I am not intending a double meaning).
Sixth - Your standard winter shot. Great when playing ingame! - twould never pass for SotW though. I shall say no more...
Seventh/Eighth - Black Mage: Ow... agony...
Ninth - Dude, that's evil!
Tenth - Sucks for the NPCs! They gotta sit there 24-7 while the fish just keeps taunting them. Nice. (Screen could use extra detailing, methinks... but tis good enough).

And that makes two quests that I really want to play, except that one of them is nearing completion. Woot!

How to get to that HP, you ask? Ehh... well, because I don't have stairs yet... it really is hard to tell. But you're suppose to come in from the left. Something like that...
*Wind DESPERATELY needs a better waterfall.*
One for overworld and caves. The current one is just uhh... overused and kinda boring.