This thread is already as stickied as I can make it.

The Superlatives work, though I'm loathe to introduce as many of the negative categories for the very reason that some people didn't want to do a Superlatives at all. I find it hard to believe that someone can be voted "whiniest member" and not whine about it.

May as well start soon; I think we have enough categories, unless people want to procrastinate more.

And for the love of god, would people please choose a voting method without pussyfooting around it or dodging it or phrasing your answer in the form of a suggestion?

Method 1:
  1. We can suggest categories for the superlatives. (Best avatar, Most likely to ____, etc.)
  2. We can decide amongst ourselves which are good and which are bad.
  3. When we have a solid set, I'll tell everyone to PM me with X amount of names to nominate. Obviously, these nominations will be kept in the utmost of secret.
  4. When I have enough, (Not so much enough, as "The deadlines has passed." ) I'll just start making polls in the Superlatives forum just like Foxy did in 2004.
  5. They should all be no-reply. It'd also be nice if it were invisible until the time of voting, and if voting in each poll doesn't bump it. Those aren't up to me though.
Method 2:
This other choice we have is that once we finish the ideas for the categories, you can all just send me your PM's with one (Or two? - We'll talk about that too.) people listed as your votes for each category. Then I'll Put them all together in my PM Box and Wordpad, and just make a single topic in GD with the final results. No muss, no fuss. Just PM me once and wait for the end game. That's it. No choices. Just naming your best bets. You won't see a single poll.

Reply without picking a method, and I'll totally hate you forever. *Chagrin*

Method 1 or Method 2.
Nothing else please.