See, I thought you'd be pissed that I killed you off, biggiy. Guess not...

[It's early morning, around 6:00. The old people have the run of the town, and they're bringing in heavier artillery. Beldaran's Grandad approaches Bill, a sightly puzzled look on his face.]

Bill: All right everyone, round up your ammunition and get ready to move! We're takin' this war further out!
AARP Members: Yeah! All right! Etc!
Grandad: Uh, Bill? I appreciate what the AARP is tryin' to do for us, but uh, all we want is our licenses back.
Bill: Huh?? Heck no! This is goin' too well.We're gonna take the whole country back. Wipe out everyone below the age of sixty five!
Grandad: Wipe 'em out?! What are you, senile?
Bill: Yep! Never stopped me before though! C'mon everyone! It's time to plan for Phase 2!

[The group make their way to Country Kitchen Buffet and enter through the front doors. Beldaran's Grandad stays behind, shaking his head in defeat. Pan across to see AtmaWeapon hiding in an alley watching the whole scene. Darth drops down from the roof nearby and joins him as Beldaran's Grandad enters the Buffet.]

AtmaWeapon: Darth! I thought you were gonna blow that place up!
Darth: Well I was gonna, but there were no explosives in the Mayor's office.
AtmaWeapon: None at all?
Darth: I know! And I was so looking forward to it as well.
AtmaWeapon: Well, damn! What are we gonna do now?
Darth: Ok, I've got another idea. But we're gonna need help.

[The two leave. At the drive-in, everyone is still asleep except for the two guards. Darth boldly walks up to them, and they point their guns at him. Darth reaches both hands out and the pair are lifted off their feet, their hands at their throats. Darth suddenly twists both hands and the pair fly into each other, knocking them both out cold. AtmaWeapon walks over to him.]

AtmaWeapon: Damn, man. I never knew you could do that.
Darth: Yeah, I don't do it very often. It gets old pretty quickly.
AtmaWeapon: ...right. Which guys did we need?
Darth: Ok, Amaster42 is pretty good, and I know The Cyborg can get us some supplies. See if you can track them down.
AtmaWeapon: Right.

[The two split up and start searching among the bodies. After a few minutes, Darth waves to AtmaWeapon, and Atma signals back. They've found the pair. Quietly they carry the two out and close the gates behind them. Some time later, they bring the two around. They're back outside Country Kitchen Buffet. The Cyborg wakes up first.]

The Cyborg: ...wha? What's going on?
Darth: Hey man. We need your help.
The Cyborg: Where am I?
AtmaWeapon: You're outside Country Kitchen Buffet. Listen - we've got a plan, but we need you and this guy's help.
Amaster42: Hmm?
Darth: Can we count on you guys?
The Cyborg: Yeah, sure. Whaddya need?
Darth: Concrete. And lots of it.
The Cyborg: Gotcha.

[The plan is afoot. The Cyborg dashes off to grab some concrete while the others explain Amaster42's role. He nods and sets off. Darth heads down with him while AtmaWeapon runs off to grab some tools. A quick montage reveals that the group are building something outside the Country Kitchen Buffet, but we don't know what it is. Some time later, just as they're finished doing whatever it is they're doing, the elderly start coming out of Country Kitchen Buffet.]

Bill: Right, and off we... what on earth is this?

[Cut to their POV. It's a giant ramp which slopes upwards. Darth's head suddenly pops up from the other, higher, side.]

Darth: Hi there! Have a good breakfast?
Bill: Huh?? You young whippersnaper! What is this?
Darth: This? Oh, we just built a bit of a ramp. Nothing you guys can't handle, right?

[Darth's head disappears. Several of the old folks try to walk up the ramp, but it's too steep and they keep falling back down. Various voices complain about breaking their hips again and so on. Bill looks on, aghast.]

Bill: Where did we leave the explosives?
AARP Member: Over by the cafe.
Darth: [From over the other side, quite faintly] Oh, god-dammit.
Bill: Well, we'll just have to tunnel our way out! C'mon!
AARP Member: Umm... I don't think we can... bend down that far.
Bill: Huh??

[On the other side, the guys are congratulating themselves.]

Darth: Well, that'll hold them for the moment, but we're gonna need something else to keep them at bay.
Amaster42: How about we dig a huge trench on the other side of the ramp? If they make it across, they'll fall into it. Done and dusted.
AtmaWeapon: They'll just climb on top of each other. It'll hold them minutes, at most.
Darth: Ok. I've got it. Quickly, to the cafe!
AtmaWeapon: Why, need a drink?
Darth: Yeah, my caffine deposit's running on empty. Now hurry up before I fall asleep for a year and become declared legally dead.

...more after I finish the ironing...